Who is Who in Ascii Art
(e.g. in alt.ascii-art or de.alt.rec.ascii-art)
Disclaimer: This list is not meant to hold _everyone_
who has ever created any Ascii Art. It is based _entirely_
on my personal wish to sort the tags and names of the
artists that are somehow represented in my collection.
Nevertheless, it is rather an up-to-date list. Please let
me know if you find dead links, wrong or missing
information or such things. Thanks!
Please check also Veronica Karlsson's list at:
Last change 30.06.2003
Andreas (andreas@ascii-art.de)
| |R -- Brian Tivol
| ^aNT
| -- http://www.vpszk.bme.hu/~ant/
| a:f -- Andreas Freise
| -- http://www.ascii-art.de
| ad -- Alex Dethler
| ag -- Ania Górecka aka anya_g
| ah -- Alyssa
| ahk -- Adrian Heather Kruger
| -- http://www.zap.to/sheve-dark
| akg -- Amykate
| akn -- Anil K Narayanan
| Allen Mullen
| -- http://www.afn.org/~afn39695/
| -- http://users.inetw.net/~mullen/ascii.htm
| ak -- Arjan Kenter
| -- http://www.cs.utwente.nl/~kenter
| Aleisha -- Aleisha Watson
| alf -- Gerfried Fuchs
| -- http://alfie.ist.org/ascii/
| AMC (Lester) -- Tony Cucchiara
| -- http://www.zinezone.com/users/TonyCucchiara
| amer -- Andre Merkel
| AoS -- Dirk Lucas (Ace of Spades)
| ap -- Arjen Pilon
| apc -- Arturo Pascalin
| -- http://www.geocities.com/Athens/2508
| apx -- Axel Poque
| -- http://home.t-online.de/~axel.pq/ascii
| arm -- Andre R. Mastel
| ARV -- Alessio Roberti Vittory
| -- http://www.surfplaza.com/ascii-art/ARV/
| as -- Asik aka Asia Mazur (asioleck)
| AsH -- Andrew Hood, Flookster
| -- http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Museum/6090/
| atc -- A T Chadwick
| -- http://www.dur.ac.uk/~d44abw/
| azc -- Andrew Carpenter
| -bf- -- Bertram Felgenhauer
| b'ger -- Joris Bellenger
| -- http://www.xs4all.nl/~svzanten/ascii/
| BKN -- Brock Kevin Nambo, BKNambo
| BLGM -- benjamin mccullough
| bmw -- Benjamin Weiland
| bni -- Birgit Nietsch
| boba -- Bob Allison, Scarecrow
| -- ftp://ftp.wwa.com/pub/Scarecrow/ (dead link)
| bodom -- Brian Odom
| -- http://www.surfplaza.com/ascii-art/bodom/
| BP -- BluePard
| -- http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Palms/2115
| Brainchild -- Joey Millison
| bug -- Blazej Kozlowski
| -- http://www.asciipr0n.com/bug
| brojek/br -- Przemyslaw Brojewski
| Catalyst -- F.L. Catalyst
| CeeJay -- Christian Jensen (also C.J. and CJ)
| -- http://ceejay.marmoset.net/ascii/
| cf -- Clover Fernchild
| cfbd -- Colin Douthwaite
| -- http://www.surfplaza.com/ascii-art/cfbd/
| cgmm -- Christian Garbs
| -- http://www.cgarbs.de
| Chev -- Chevalier, Nicolas Abesdrin
| cjr -- Colin J. Randall
| -- http://www.shieldwolf.demon.co.uk
| cml -- Celia
| -- http://members.xoom.com/albertopsq/ (dead link)
| ctr -- Aran Kuntze
| -- http://www.kolumbus.fi/aran/
| cww -- Clyde W. Watson
| cyberfox -- Keely M. Swenson
| dan hunt -- Daniel Hunt
| -- http://www.mcs.drexel.edu/~udhunt0/ascii.html
| Dave Bird, Xemu
| -- http://www.xemu.demon.co.uk/art/
| db -- Der BluT
| dc -- Lorna Dean , Dixie-Chick
| dcau -- Daniel C Au
| -- http://members.xoom.com/dcau/
| -- http://www.surfplaza.com/ascii-art/dcau/
| /)) (or dd) -- David Dahlberg
| dD -- The Dutch Dude, Theo van Eck
| -- http://www.geocities.com/Paris/5997/
| dem -- Mateusz Adamowski (demreath)
| -- http://mateusza.home.staszic.waw.pl
| dew -- Phydeaux aka Daniel Wesely
| :dg: -- dynoguru
| dlK -- Kristian Kirsfeldt
| -- http://www.liib.ee/kristian/english/ascii/
| DM -- Daniel Michalik
| dmr -- David Riley
| -- http://www.dmriley.demon.co.uk/ascii
| dp -- David Palmer
| -- http://homepage.ntlworld.com/palmer666
| DrS -- Al Tinsley, Dr. Stein
| ds -- Dokusan
| DS -- Darkstar, Tim Spicer
| dski -- Dan Strychalski
| dwb -- Donovan Bake
| -- http://www.geocities.com/Paris/LeftBank/6558/
| ejm -- llizard
| -- http://www.crosswinds.net/~llizard/
| emj -- Elaine Jones
| :F_P: -- Faux_Pseudo
| fl -- Felix Lee
| -- http://www.teleport.com/~flee/home.shtml
| FRM -- Felix Mariposa
| -- http://www.surfplaza.com/ascii-art/FRM/
| fsc -- Marcin 'StfoReK' Glinski
| -- http://www.stforek.boo.pl
| gan -- gogan
| -- http://gogan.wz.cz/blog/ascii.php
| gfj -- Geraldine Jones
| -- http://www.victoria.tc.ca/~we993/
| GGN -- Gary G. Nass
| Glenn Tarigan
| -- http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Garden/7676/
| gnv -- Genoveva Galarza
| -- http://www.euskalnet.net/puravida/
| Gr -- Timofei Shatrov
| grh -- Beaver
| grp -- Graeme Porter
| -- http://www.tsd-ltd.demon.co.uk/ascii-art
| ha -- Howard
| HD -- Nick Andros
| HeBu -- Hendrik Burmann
| hh -- Shimrod, Herman Hiddema
| -- http://fmf.fwn.rug.nl/~shimrod/asciiart/
| hjm -- Harry Mason (Hajoma)
| hjw -- Flump, Hayley Jane Wakenshaw
| -- http://www.kersbergen.com/flump/
| hm -- Arcain
| hs -- Henry Segerman
| -- http://www.stanford.edu/~segerman/asciiart.html
| ie -- Ina El-Kadhi
| IjD -- Ingrid Dekker
| ilmk -- Anig
| -- http://www.m0use.net/~tressa/ascii.html
| Imran Ghory
| itz -- Ilmari Karonen
| -- http://www.sci.fi/~iltzu/ascii/
| iwO -- Jens Riecken
| jaa -- Jason Arends
| JaL -- Joseph Larson
| -jav -- J. Viddal
| Jay C
| jb -- Jola Backiel
| -- http://www.bookmarkjoli.prv.pl/ascii-art/
| jEk -- Daniel Dr.Jekyll Jackel
| -- http://home9.inet.tele.dk/jez/
| Jiri -- Jiri Matejicek
| -- http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Studios/2165/typo.html
| =jf= -- Jan Foerster
| jf:-) -- Jackie Fenton
| -- http://www.gasp-seakayak.org/ascii-art.html
| jg -- Joaquim Almgren Gandara
| -- http://www.ite.mh.se/~joaal98/ascii
| -- http://www.Nerd-Boy.net
| jgs -- Joan G. Stark
| -- http://www.ascii-art.com
| jim -- Jame Mitchelhill
| jiri -- Jiri Matejicek
| jittlov -- Mike Jittlov
| jjs -- John Stachowicz
| -- http://www.jjs-ascii.20m.com/
| jnh -- Jimi (N. Hong ?)
| jorn -- Jorn Barger
| -- ftp://ftp.mcs.net/mcsnet.users/jorn/asciimaps.txt
| -- http://www.robotwisdom.com/home.html
| Joshua Bell --
| -- http://members.aa.net/~skeksis/Star_Trek/ASCII/
| jrei -- Jens Reissenweber
| jro -- Jonathan Oglesbee
| JrS -- Jeremy
| js -- James Shufelt
| julus -- Lord Julus
| -- http://members.tripod.com/~lordjulus
| -- http:/www.geocities.com/Athens/Forum/1395
| jurcy -- Jurcy Hwang
| jv -- John van der Zwaag / Vanderz
| -- http://www.erc.msstate.edu/~vanderz
| JW -- Jan Weseler
| jww -- Jim White
| KCK -- Kevin Kreamer
| Keely -- see above: cyberfox
| Kevin Griffey
| kg -- Koshy George
| -- http://www.serv.net/~kgeorge/art.html
| kg (KrG) -- Kronome Gergely
| klr -- Killraven
| -- http://www.xs4all.nl/~klr/klr-ascii.html
| ko1 -- Krzysztof Biolik
| kOs -- Marion Koslowski
| -- http://www.koslowski.purespace.de
| Kostja -- Kostja Siefen
| Krogg
| -- http://www.gtcom.net/~krogg/ascii/
| KSR -- Neab Tregu
| kth -- Kjetil Torgrim Homme
| KTJ -- C. Jacobsen
| LGB -- lgbeard
| l42 -- Ultramarine Rain, Lunatic 42
| -- http://redrival.com/umrain/art.html
| lbm -- Bateau
| Lc. -- Leszek Ciszewski
| lc -- Lorrie
| -- http://www.angelfire.com/art/lorriesascii/
| ldb -- SheDragon
| -- http://www.thatgrrl.com/
| lds -- Lisa
| [lf] -- last future aka Peter Marquardt
| lka -- Lauri Kangas
| -- http://koti.mbnet.fi/~lkanga/ascii
| ll -- Stellaluna
| LM -- Lena Mindlina
| lr -- Lukasz Rewerenda
| LS -- Lennert Stock
| -- http://www.lstock.demon.nl/aas1.html
| ls -- Li Su
| ltb -- Willem Romijn
| Martin DiViaio
| Max -- Max Srtandberg, Aqua Max
| -- http://www.ng.hik.se/~ms11cq/ascii_01.htm
| m1a -- m1a9366b
| -- http://www.asciipr0n.com/m1a9366b/ascii/
| mb -- Margerita Baus
| mbfh (BN) -- Ben Norwood
| -- http:///users.aber.ac.uk/bdn95/
| mcr -- Moritz Ringler
| MEPH -- Marc Schmitz
| -- http://studenten.freepage.de/meph/ascii/ascii.htm
| mfj -- Matthias Bauer
| mga -- Martin Atkins
| -- http://users.breworld.net/m/martin.atkins/asciiart
| mGk -- Michal 'Goldmoon' Kwasniewski
| mh -- Maija Haavisto
| -- http://www.angelfire.com/mn/Maija/index.html
| mic (miK) -- Mic Barendsz
| MJP -- Michael J. Penick (mikechat)
| -MJR -- Mike Rosulek
| -- http://www.netins.net/showcase/mikewrld/ascii.html
| M-K -- Marco Kirschke ( aka (c) NamelessOne)
| >MK< -- Marijn Kampf
| -- http://www.gwobbel.com
| mn -- Michael Naylor
| mRc -- Marcin "Lidel" Rataj
| -- http://997.wz.cz/ascii.php
| mrf -- Morfina
| -- http://users.iol.it/morfina/ascii/
| mrz -- MaraZ - Samu-Martti Roitto
| mt-2 or MT -- Matthew Thomas
| -- http://cantua.canterbury.ac.nz/~mpt26/art/ascii
| (dead link)
| muserna -- Antonio Serna
| -- http://www.muserna.org
| Na -- lament
| nate / DAC (nad)
| -- http://www2.southwind.net/~natedac
| :nathaN/NR -- Nathan Roberts
| NC -- Nicolas Chauveau
| ncf -- Niki Fowler
| -- http://www.webcom.com/niki/hobbies/asciiart.html
| NDT -- Nathan Taylor
| Nick -- David Hendrix
| Norman Veilleux
| -- http://www.afn.org/~afn39695/veilleux.htm
| nm -- Nowhere Man, Dariusz Sieradzki
| -- http://tempac.fuw.edu.pl/~dsier/cgi-bin/ascii.cgi
| nmf -- Utendi Nicole M. Fennessy
| -- http://www.lionking.org/~utendi
| O!o (Ojo) -- Ojosh!ro
| -- http://www1.lunatech.com/~ojoshiro
| Ool -- Ulrich Schreglmann
| -- http://home.t-online.de/home/ulrich.schreglmann/
| osfa -- hakim (osfameron)
| -- http://osfameron.perlmonk.org/chickenman/
| pb -- Przemek Borys
| PCh -- Pawe Chiberski
| PGMG -- Paul Gradenwitz
| PhH -- Philipp Haegi
| Philip Kaulfuss
| -- http://www.afn.org/~afn39695/kaulfuss.htm
| Phoenix (Roy) -- Roy Sussman
| -- http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/2695/sussman.htm
| Phs -- Philipp Schwartz
| pils -- Niels Rasmus Hansen
| pjb -- Peter Bier
| pjl -- P.J. LaBrocca
| -- http://ms88.com/htmlemen/htmlemen.shtml
| pjy -- piotr bartkowiak aka peejay
| PjP -- Philip Powell
| PN -- Petrus
| Pr59 -- Praseodymium 59
| -- http://nepenthe.fsn.net
| Pru -- Prudence
| -- http://www.angelfire.com/pa3/lorraine/index.html
| PS -- Przemyslaw Skoczkowski
| RG -- Randy Gardner
| -- http://www.slip.net/~randyg/index.htm
| rjm -- Russell Marks
| Row -- Rowan Crawford
| -- http://www.afn.org/~afn39695/crawford.htm
| rs -- Rafal Slubowski
| s-v -- Valery Silivanov
| -- http://www.angelfire.com/ab/ascii/
| S@yaN -- S@yaN MahalanobiS
| samwise -- Wendy Rice
| -- http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/2744/
| sc -- Stanislaw Ciszewski
| S.C.E.S.W. -- Stephen C.E.S. Wilson
| ScS / Sher^ -- Sherry Stowers
| -- http:///www.mirc-rainbow.com/sher/
| sdm -- Shaun Mead
| -- http://www.shauns.cool.homepage.com
| Seal -- Armando Frazăo
| -- http://camoes.rnl.ist.utl.pt/~ajfr
| -- http://www.surfplaza.com/ascii-art/Seal/
| sjm -- Steve Metsker
| sjw -- Sara Wallen, Very Small Monster
| -- http://www.wallen1983.fsnet.co.uk/ascii.htm
| SK -- Sarah Kearsley
| sl -- Seweryn Lipkowski
| sm -- Martin Schaffner
| smd -- Sarah Day
| snd -- Shanaka Dias
| spb -- Simidh
| sps -- Sebastian Pena
| SSt -- Sebastian Stoecker
| -- http://www.ascii-art.surfhome.de
| starshine
| Stef -- Stephane Abello
| -- http://www.multimania.com/stef2/ascii
| Sue -- Sue Bell
| -- http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/bellsue.htm
| Susie -- Susie Oviatt
| -- http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/2695/oviatt.htm
| Tantris -- Tiziana Castorina
| Targon -- Ed Wisniewski
| -- http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/2695/targon.htm
| TBH'99
| tbk -- Tobias Benjamin Koehler
| teb -- Tim Brennan
| -- http://homepages.go.com/homepages/t/i/m/timmybx/ascii.html
| Tim Park
| -- http://www.fiction.org/www/stuff/
| Tissue (tis) -- Teng Yee Chiew
| -- http://members.tripod.com/~tissue_2/aart.html
| TK / [TomekK] -- Tomasz Kępski
| tms -- Tina Stanton
| -- http://personal.nbnet.nb.ca/tatyana/
| Tooshy
| -- http://www.bluedwarf.net/tooshy
| tre -- Tom R. Earlywine
| TS -- TooShy
| Ts -- Nana
| Tua Xiong
| -- http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/tuax.htm
| Valkyrie -- Marie Bird
| -- http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~obsidion/aart.html
| VJ -- VeeJay
| VK -- Veronica Karlsson
| -- http://www.ludd.luth.se/users/vk/
| vmc -- Wendy
| W< -- Win Kang
| -- http://members.aol.com/dawindow/index.html
| wcs -- William Cody Sain
| WILLIS -- William Towle
| Wny -- Jan-Erik Finnberg
| -- http://www.saunalahti.fi/~wheany
| wkm -- WiktorM
| wsm -- W.Madison
| wtx -- Voteck
| Zeus -- Zeus Simeoni
| -- http://www.geocities.com/athens/parthenon/9573
| zi. -- dariusz szenfeld
| Zot -- Zotiel R. Bell
| -- http://www.jasnetworks.net/zotiel/ascii/ascii.html